Our SmokeVent has been
specifically developed for
emergency smoke extract
We are a major supplier of axial flow fans for smoke ventilation. Our standard range can operate as part of the main extract system, or as fans for emergency clearance in hazardous fire, smoke and fume conditions.
All casing parts are heavy gauge mild steel sheet, roll formed and welded, then hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 after fabrication to provide a long lasting and robust construction. Flanges are roll formed as part of the casing. Motors and axial impeller are mounted within the length of the unit casing.
Motors are totally enclosed metric type to IP55, with sealed for life bearings below 160 frame. Standard industrial paint finish and class H insulation to EN 60034-5, suitable for use at normal continuous duty and a once only use under smoke operation at 200°C, 300°C and 400°C for 2 hours. Flying leads are brought out via a temperature resistant conduit system, to an external IP55 terminal box for customer cabling interface.
Adjustable pitch aerofoil impellers are provided with blades made from high quality aluminium (LM6) natural finish. Impellers are factory set at an angle to exact customer requirement. The hubs are manufactured from die cast aluminium alloy (LM6 or LM24). Assembled impellers are dynamically balanced to ISO 14694.
Quality Management
Units are certified to EN12101-3 and LPCB third party certified. Units are designed and manufactured with procedures as defined in BS EN ISO 9001. Units are tested to ISO 5801:2007 (airside performance) and BS 848 Part 2:1985 (sound performance).