Ventilation for medical and healthcare industries and applications
Elta Fans’ products for medical and healthcare applications ensure clean air for the health and safety of occupants through the removal of contaminants, including infectious organisms and toxic substances.
Medical and Healthcare Applications

Hospitals and Hospices
Ventilation is used extensively in healthcare premises for primary patient treatment in operating departments, intensive treatment units and isolation units. It is also installed to ensure compliance with quality assurance of manufactured items in pharmacy and sterile supply departments and to protect staff from harmful organisms and toxic substances.

Keeping a clean environment, free from contaminants while dealing with medical areas is of the utmost importance.

The design of laboratory projects will generally be biased towards the design of the ventilation system for fume control, containment, or providing specific close environmental conditions for either animal welfare or research processes.

Dental Surgeries
Mechanical ventilation for dental surgeries needs to provide a high level of reliability, as the ventilation is critical to the proper functioning of the building and the business conducted within it.

Care and Nursing Homes
For communally shared facilities within nursing homes it will be necessary to make different arrangements for areas of high occupancy such as television rooms, or areas of excessive moisture or odour generation like laundry rooms and cafeteria areas which require ventilation to the outside.

Veterinary Clinics
Ventilation systems within ventilation clinics should be all fresh air type, which assists in helping to protect staff and animals from air borne hazards generated as a result of animal care.

Operating and Mobile Theatres
Each operating theatre suite should ideally be provided with its own plant but it is accepted practice to have a zoned common air handling unit serving two adjacent suites. There are many examples where common air handling plant has been provided for an entire operating department which, in the event of plant failure or maintenance shut down, will render the whole department inoperative.

Mechanical ventilation is required for mortuaries due to equipment heat gains, clinical activities and staff comfort.